Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Debt Collection Process Strategies - Bad Collection Practices Defenses

Inkasso Online: The current economic conditions or situations have actually resulted in a up surge of past debt dues and also unpaid debts. This also includes a commercial and individual out standing debt. As a result there are a lot of people those who are trying to take better advantage of these economic situations. The con artists only add more to the misery that is unpaid and out standing debt causes for both of the parties. Make absolutely no doubts about it; if you or your business has incurred any debt then you legally have an obligation to pay it back. Debt collection process strategies are employed by all the collections are totally regulated by both the state and the federal legal laws.

The Fair Debt Collection Act or the FDCA actually provides for a very substantial amount of protection from the abuse from professional debt amount collectors if the debt collectors basically obey the existing law. It is really quite very common for all the debt collectors to stretch their interpretation and many of the cases even break the pertaining law. It is very much wise for anyone those who have been contacted by a debt collector to spend the valuable time to read and study the Fair Debt Collections Act or the FDCA. It will also provide you with a lot of the basic information what a debt collection strategies and practices are actually permitted and which all are not permitted. The Internet or the web also has a lot of information on out standing debt and debt collections process.

The Internet web also has a lot of too very bad information that can even result in very serious problems for many of the debtors. Bad advice even abounds on how to eventually defend you against out standing debt collection process strategies. 

Some of these bad defenses also include:

a. Statute of limitations on out standing debts. Just because of a creditor has not made a debt collection effort for several many years do not actually mean that they now cannot collect on their bad debt. The creditor can even sue you for the full amount of the debt plus its interest.

b. The debtor has never had any of the contacts with that is always trying to collect the bad debt or taking court of law action. I have completely no agreement at all with the said company so that the debtor does not even have to pay for the debt.

c. A creditor cannot ever sue just because of the lack of a signed contract in between the buyer and seller.

d. A creditor even cannot seek any legal action if the debtor is making any part payments.

A creditor has written the bad debt-off so they cannot sue me in a court of law. This is especially very true if it involves credit card debt which is very much transferable. 

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